Women for Families and Freedom empowers women with the tools they need to stop the destruction targeting families and communities. 

We Connect Women in Schools and Churches to Protect Kids and Revive Education 

SMART Schools 

Our public schools are NOT what they
were, even five years ago. Parents are
 waking up to the failing academics and Marxist curricula throughout all subjects, dividing kids by race and sexual identity.
We inform, engage and connect  women
to bring back academic excellence. 

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Engaging Women of Faith

Women of faith often misunderstand the
connection between their calling in the
church--and their unique calling in their
communities. Many powerful voices in the
church are silent. We inform, engage and
connect women of faith to actively protect,
heal and love their neighbors. 

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Protecting Kids’ Bodies and Minds

Children, pre-born through adolescence,
need our protection more than ever. Innocence
is being stolen through early sexualization
pushed by schools and culture. Bodies are
broken by abortion, trafficking and ‘gender
therapies’. We inform, engage and connect
women to protect kids’ bodies and minds. 

Learn More

Who We Are:

Women for Families and Freedom is a recognized 501c-(3) charitable organization that was founded by women, serving all Arizonans, inspiring and informing on the issues that matter most to families and communities. To learn more about our sister organization, Arizona Women of Action, click here.